When you speak with your friends and neighbors about a subject, you probably take into account their personal history. If someone has past firsthand experience with a topic, people tend to take their ideas a little more seriously, and now, Google does, as well. Since 2022, the search engine giant has included “expertise” as an element in their Search Quality Rater Guidelines, expanding their criteria from E-A-T to E-E-A-T, standing for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.
At Dental Junkie, we know that for many oral health professionals, marketing can be one of their least favorite aspects of the job. After all, you probably did not start in the dental field because you loved making social media posts or writing blog content. But this has become an important way to reach new patients, and so it is important to know some of the basics. To keep up on the latest news and events in the world of oral health, be sure to follow along with Dental Junkie!
E-E-A-T Is An Important Thing To Keep In Mind
If you outsource your website marketing, particularly your copywriting for your blog and site content, you need to make sure that your agency is up to date on their Search Engine Optimization knowledge. Google and other top search providers are constantly making changes in order to ensure that people are receiving quality results. If they seem like they are having a hard time explaining the concept of E-E-A-T to you, it might be time to make a change to a different company, since ineffective SEO does you no good as an oral health provider.
E-E-A-T is an acronym that stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness, and Google has been using it for the last two years as a way to find accurate results to queries. From 2014 to 2022, there were only three criteria, but the search engine opted to add an additional one for the personal experience of the writer.
Bring Your Firsthand Knowledge To Your Content
Does someone else write your copy for you? Many dental practices decide to outsource their digital marketing due to the time and hassle that can come with doing it all in house. This makes it a little tricky to incorporate your experience into the writing, as, well, someone without your background is doing the work. It is still important to include this element, so when you talk with your marketing team, send them anecdotes. You have endless stories from your time with patients, so be sure to take advantage of the benefits of your personal history. It can be more helpful than you might think!
Stay On Top Of The Latest Dental News With Dental Junkie
How you represent yourself makes a difference, and that includes your website’s long-form content. And as always, keep up with the latest in oral health news and technology by following Dental Junkie!