Dental Junkie

News You Can Sink Your Teeth Into

New Connections Through Teledentistry


The digital age is bringing new advancements in every field, and one way that providers are finding ways to reach patients is through telemedicine. While this has been dismissed by some as ineffective within the world of dentistry, the landscape is changing. By reaching out to patients in an accessible way, there is the capability of more frequent visits in order to bring early diagnoses. This approach can also help to identify patients in need of more pressing care in order to prioritize your in-office appointments. At Dental Junkie, we welcome the ability to reach new patients, as nearly half of all adults in this country do not seek the care they need on a regular basis.

Speak with us about your views on telemedicine in the field of oral health at the Chicago Dental Society Midwinter Meeting From February 23rd-25th. We will be there and would love to hear your thoughts on new possibilities within healthcare. The technological world is changing, so be a part of the dental future!

Americans Are Skipping Trips To The Dentist, Even Though They Want Care

People in this country need dental care, but many are avoiding their oral health provider. According to the American Dental Association, 42% of us do not see the dentist as often as we would like, which is a number that we need to work to change. Our field interacts heavily with public health, so outreach is vital to success. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, dental attendance has been down, as well. A change has to occur in order to help people to receive the care that they need.

Time and comfort are key reasons as to why people avoid treatment, and one way of reaching new patients is through accessibility. Teledentistry can be a positive new way of reaching clients in a more comfortable environment for them. As much as you work on providing a great experience, an appointment in the office is always going to be a barrier. A convenient meeting through a video chat can help someone make that first step.

Talk With Us About The Possibilities Of Telemedicine For Oral Health

The new landscape of telehealth allows for radical changes to the way we operate as providers. Sometimes a diagnosis can be very quick once you see a patient, but you can get bogged down by the bureaucracy of your own practice. Teledentistry allows for you to prioritize appointments and worry about the things that require the most effort.

We will be at the Chicago Dental Society Midwinter Meeting in Chicago, IL from February 23rd-25th and Dental Junkie would love to hear your thoughts on the new world of teledentistry. Give us your opinions and let us know your real world experience.